Dear guests of our house ...
For some time, we declare the addition to our vinegar labels: antioxidant sulfur dioxide. This is a request from the supervisory authorities that we must implement. The Doktorenhof has always endeavored to manufacture all of its products as close to nature as possible. Antioxidants in general can be found in many of our natural foods. They basically help and protect against free radicals and are important for protecting the body.

We find antioxidants in natural form in vegetables, salads, herbs, fruits, oilseeds, nuts, natural oils and fats as well as in many wild plants. Sulfur dioxide: Sulphides are also found naturally in onions, leeks, garlic, wild garlic, vegetables, grapes and fruit. Sulfur dioxide occurs naturally and protects against undesirable brown discolouration, yeast, fungi and bacteria.
Our grapes ripen a lot longer and are therefore mostly harvested as dried raisins. Here, the natural sulfuric acid is concentrated to an amount of over 10 milligrams per liter of vinegar. We have to declare this and thus note the above-mentioned addition on our labels.

For further information: Sulfur dioxide in drinking wine is many times higher than in our vinegars. In wine, sulfur dioxide is declared as "contains sulphides". In salmon, dried fish, cheese, dried fruits, cosmetics, horseradish, nuts, fruit juices, etc., the addition of sulfur dioxide prevents premature aging and browning as well as the formation of harmful yeasts and bacteria.

The absolutely small amount in our vinegars is usually broken down in the body without any disadvantage. Please be sure that we still attach the greatest importance to a traditional, pure and well-tolerated product - vinegar - and what we make of it. You can continue to rely on a time of sour sensuality at the Doktorenhof with a clear conscience.
Please be sure that we still attach the greatest importance to a traditional, pure and well-tolerated product, vinegar and what we make of it. You can continue to rely on a time of sour sensuality in the Doktorenhof with a clear conscience.
Georg Wiedemann